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Bridge Design Training #15 - Report BrowserSoftware news In this part of our SOFiSTiK Bridge Design Training we show you how to use the Report Browser to create your project report. We will follow this up with exporting the report as a .docx-file [+]
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Bridge Design Training #16 - Conclusio & EndSoftware news This is the End of our SOFiSTiK Bridge Design training. We hope you enjoyed this training and please like and subscribe for more playlist like this one.
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Bridge Design Training #12 - Design with CSMSoftware news In this part of our SOFiSTiK Bridge Design Training we show you how to design including construction stages (CSM). We will talk about check prints, about how to increase the number of [+]
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Discover the 2023 new edition of the Advance Design AwardSoftware news The GRAITEC ADVANCE DESIGN AWARD 2023 is an international contest organized by GRAITEC and dedicated to structural engineers and design offices.
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