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Architectural Software

The rendering kernel handles import, mesh data, optimizations, and rasterizations, and offers two drawing methods in both 2D and 3D. Drawing in 3D automatically creates the 2D drawing file. [+]


ARC+ Infinite

CAD Software

NPS is a CAD platform that aims to bring together all applications developed by Space Tech International and create middleware to enable interoperability between them. The platform includes [+]


ARC+ Infinite

CAD Software

NPS is a CAD platform that aims to bring together all applications developed by Space Tech International and create middleware to enable interoperability between them. The platform includes [+]


LandScape design

Landscape software

Parametric Elements: Create buildings, walls, fences, ponds, swimming pools, hedges, curbs, roads, slabs, openings, columns, terrain models, fountains, waterfalls, and more. DirectX [+]


unicorn rendering

Unicorn Rendering 

rendering software

It includes two separate engines: a real-time high-performance engine (UR5.2) and a high-quality path tracer (Radeon Pro), which positions it for optimal quality and performance for static [+]


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