IDEA Statica - Member

Design any steel member, report as per code for members of any geometry and loading.

You can solve the critical steel member.


Confidently design and code-check the critical members of your projects – girders, beams, columns, frames, etc. Perform quick and accurate analysis of their load response, stability, and buckling calculations without traditional oversimplification.

• No more estimating buckling lengths, stiffness of connections or the effects of local section inconsistencies

• Analyze thin-walled sections for roof purlins or floor beams, girts or beams for facade construction

• Geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis and checks with initial imperfection definitions


Using the easy-to-use interactive application, perform advanced analysis of members modeled in 3D by shell elements with a detailed connection model with all stiffeners, bolts, openings, etc.


Software keywords IDEA Statica - Member


Company news

Bolted connections

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