They are with us for centuries and if you're not a structural engineer, you will...
Get inspired by the world’s biggest database for steel connections.
Connection Library is a cloud application that provides you with 700,000+ ideas for your connection designs from all around the world.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Library costs you nothing. You only need to create a FREE account to use all its features.
Connection Library has been created by structural engineers for the global community of engineers, fostering inspiration and simplifying their work.
Structural analysis - design software for steel - concrete - wood constructions | Structural analysis - design software for steel - concrete - wood constructions | Structural analysis - design software for steel - concrete - wood constructions | ||||||
Structural analysis - design software for steel - concrete - wood constructions | Structural analysis - design software for steel - concrete - wood constructions | Structural analysis - design software for steel - concrete - wood constructions | ||||||
Gusset plate - what's the big deal?
They are with us for centuries and if you're not a structural engineer, you will... 06.01.2025
Revolutionize your anchoring designs with 3D precision!
3D anchoring combines the power of IDEA StatiCa Detail and Connection to... 27.11.2024
IDEA StatiCa Steel Connection - Get a 14-day free trial
Perform accurate steel connection and member design of any complexity. 14.10.2024