SCHULLER&Company - bocad – Version 2024 release to improve BIM workflows  !


The version bocad 2024 has been released some days agon, new functionalities improve processus BIM workflow by adding users’ comfort and usability.

This version was already approved by a selection of customer during its development. Here is a condensed list of the new functionalities:


IFC Interface

       - IFC4 format is now supported for import or export.

       - IFC Properties Set (PSET) can be fully personalised and this for members, assemblies, and bolts.

       - Profile recognition has been improved.

       - IFC2x3 certification is pending by BuildingSmart.


 -  OpenGL 3D View

       - Reference Model and point cloud – Reference model can be loaded and positioned in the 3D View. It’s possible to snap on the reference model. Various formats are possible like IFC, OBJ or XYZ.

       - Snap on object – All commands with the pick points base, such as create, copy/move and edit parts, create and change connections, views, measure, ... can be used.

       -  Grid and grid points are shown in 3D OpenGL.  


SmartInfo – Direct display of parts, bolts and welds information when moving the mouse over the element. The element is highlighted in colour in all open views and drawings.


News keywords SCHULLER&Company - bocad – Version 2024 release to improve BIM workflows  !


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