RFEM software was used for the calculation of a wind measuring mast on the Radstadt Tauern in Austria.


The construction of a 100-meter tall mast, located at an altitude of around 2,100 meters, represents a real challenge. Such a project came to fruition in September 2020 in the summit area of 'Windsfeld' in Flachau/Flachauwinkl, Austria. This wind measuring mast is considered one of the tallest structures built in Austria.

The engineering firm m3-ZT GmbH was responsible for the structural calculation as well as the planning and calculation of execution details. The structural calculation was carried out using the RFEM software.


This 100-meter mast is a triangular lattice structure made of steel tubes. The distance between the three main poles is approximately 60 cm. The slender mast is supported every 10 meters by steel tie rods. The diameter of these tie rods varies between 12 and 19 mm depending on the loads they support.


The structure was designed for an average wind speed vb,0 = 31 m/s (according to the ZAMG report). m3-ZT GmbH generated the wind loads using the RWIND digital wind tunnel and then imported them into the RFEM model.


The engineering firm ZT DI Stallinger Johann + Partner from Upper Austria was also commissioned to perform a static analysis of the project. This firm used another structural calculation software to apply wind loads according to EN 1991-1-4. One of the conclusions of this analysis is that the wind loads do not differ by more than 2% when comparing the results of the two models used.


The installation was carried out by rope access technicians and a helicopter. This mast carried out wind measurements over a period of one and a half years.


To read the article, please click on the following link: ow.ly/nY2W50MJ0ck


News keywords RFEM software was used for the calculation of a wind measuring mast on the Radstadt Tauern in Austria.


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