4M is proud to announce the new version 24 of 4MCAD, the smart alternative CAD solution
Here are the main new features and improvements in this update:
• Re-engineered Design (ReD) upon the latest ICAD 11.1 engine and ODA22.12 libraries on a 64bit architecture
• 100% DWG compatible – DWG is 4MCAD’s native format
• Support of Autodesk® Revit® 2022 files
• Significantly faster performances for very large drawings.
• 3D Walk and Fly tour.
• Improved import and editing of tables, publish and visual styles.
• Determination of the current location on a map file.
• 3D rotate cube projection and orbit.
• Unlimited interoperability: Open/Save *.dwg, *.dxf, *,dwf, *.dxb & *.dwt, Import/Export IGES, STEP, ACIS 3D Solids *.sat, pointclouds .rcp/.rcs, Export to 3D PDF, *.pdf, *.svg, *,dwf, *.bmp, *.emf, *.wmf, *.dwf & *.stl & *.obj (WfT), Import from 3D Collada *.dae and map files in connection to PostgreSQL, MySQL, & WFS servers - PDF to DWG conversion
For more information you can contact 4M at 4msa.com.